20th April 2022

New protected trees in SA

...other protected trees, visit www.pza.sanbi.org Below is a full list of the Protected Trees in South Africa. BOTANICAL NAME ENGLISH COMMON NAME OTHER COMMON NAMES: Afrikaans (A), Northern Sotho (NS),...

13th March 2015

Protected trees in South Africa

...any protected tree; or possess, collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell, donate or in any other manner acquire or dispose of any protected tree or any product derived from a...

30th April 2011

Protecting a rare woodland in Kathu

...conserve protected Camel Thorn trees. In some cases, metal brackets or steel cables are used to stabilise trees that are splitting. Sometimes fences and walls are built around the trees....

28th February 2011

Forestry leads the way in grasslands conservation

...unplanted to trees and are likely to remain so. Some of this unplanted land overlaps with biodiversity priority areas and the companies have shown an interest in formalising the protected...

21st June 2021

Tree experts rally to save iconic Cape trees

...species found in the Cape that are under threat: the Silver trees of Table Mountain, southern Cape tree ferns, milkwoods and the Clanwilliam cedar. Silver trees Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden,...

18th September 2020

Ramping up the planting of endangered pepper-bark trees

...the endangered Pepper-bark trees (Warburgia salutaris) to the Endangered Wildlife Trust for their project in the Soutpansberg Protected Area in Limpopo Province. The saplings were originally propagated through cooperation between...

27th June 2012

Outeniqua Yellowwood, the majestic tree of our natural forests

...and several trees of this species are further protected as Champion Trees under the National Forests Act of 1998. In the forest, the tree is home for many other plants...

09th September 2022

Joy as pepper-bark trees come back from the brink

...the brink of extinction in the wild as commercial muti gatherers have been harvesting the bark from trees growing in the wild and even in protected conservation areas. As a...

31st October 2009

New Champion Trees discovered

A total of 44 trees have been declared as national Champion trees so far, and they are protected under the National Forests Act of 1998. Exciting things happened since the...

14th September 2018

Champion Trees on the agenda

...the periodical re-measurement of listed trees, as well as recommendations for the management of the trees. Currently 86 trees and groups of trees are on the list of proclaimed Champion...

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