Skateboard shades

October 26, 2015


Dave De Witt turned his passion for skateboarding and woodwork into a career by combining the two lifestyles in an innovative way. He came up with the idea of using battered old skateboards to make sunglasses! When friends, family and acquaintances began asking for a pair of the shades, he decided to turn the project into a business. Not only has Dave created an awesome and novel product but he's recycling and re-purposing scrap wood as well, thus doing his bit to conserve resources and reduce waste.

This video was made to promote the We Make It Sic competition presented by Bosch, Dremel and Zigzag. The competition invites anyone to enter examples of their own innovative craftsmanship for the chance to win R30k worth of power tools. The catch is that it has to be surfing related!

Visit for more info on Dave's products.

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