Braecroft Timbers receives top forest management award

Celebrating the award of the Bushbuck Trophy are (left to right) Jaap Van den Berg, Logistics, Fibre and Resources Manager, Sappi; Sihle Ndlovu, Forester, Braecroft & CHEP SSA; Gordon McKenzie, Senior Manager, Forestry, Braecroft & CHEP SSA; Axel Jooste, Sappi FSC Group Scheme Manager.

Braecroft Timbers (a wholly owned subsidiary of CHEP South Africa) has received the top award for sustainable forestry management practices in their South African plantations from the Sappi FSC Group Scheme.

The Bushbuck Trophy was awarded to Braecroft Timbers recently in recognition for their exemplary sustainable forestry management practises. The company operates 18 plantations in South Africa with a total of 7 500 ha planted to pine species. The timber harvested on these plantations is used to manufacture and repair CHEP pallets that are widely used in the transport and logistics sector. The farms are located in the Bulwer / Underberg district and are within 90 kms of CHEP’s Weatherboard Sawmill. They are managed by Forestry Manager Gordon McKenzie and a team of experienced foresters.

CHEP plantation in the KZN midlands.

Braecroft Timbers has been a member of the Sappi FSC Group Scheme for the past 14 years, and has been the recipient of multiple awards acknowledging the organisation’s commitment to responsible forestry management practices.

The Sappi FSC Group scheme is part of the Forest Stewardship Council’s global network, which represents thousands of individual and member organisations committed to upholding forestry practices that safeguard and promote healthy, resilient forests worldwide. The Sappi FSC Group Scheme’s annual Member of the Year Award recipients are selected based on a yearly audit which measures compliance to FSC standards, and celebrates responsible forest management.

Braecroft Timbers first received the KwaZulu-Natal Award in 2014 and claimed the Overall Winner of the Bushbuck Trophy the following year. The organisation won the KZN Award again in 2017, and this year claimed the Overall Winners award for the second time.

CHEP pallets under construction at the Weatherboard Sawmill, KZN midlands.

"Winning this prestigious award from the Sappi Group Scheme reflects the effort our teams at Braecroft Timbers and CHEP put in to maintain the highest standards of forestry management," says Gordon McKenzie, Senior Manager, Braecroft Forestry. "This award demonstrates our commitment to help transform the timber supply chain in all markets we operate in by driving demand for sustainably sourced timber and responsible, regenerative forest management."

Forest certification compliance is an integral part of CHEP’s forest management strategy, and it’s no surprise that Braecroft Timbers farms have achieved dual certification by both FSC and PEFC.
CHEP’s unique pooling system epitomises the circular economy, with CHEP pallets being shared and reused (not sold) by clients in FMCG, Original Equipment Manufacturers and agricultural supply chains. Today, CHEP’s humble pine pallet underpins many of the world’s supply chains.
Ownership of its own sustainable pine timber farms in South Africa has provided the company with a reliable raw material supply and eliminated the need to import timber, which is time-consuming, expensive and environmentally unsustainable.

The familiar blue CHEP pallets used to store and move goods all over the world. These pallets are never sold, they are pooled and shared and repaired and used again and again.

Drying timber in-field improves logistics

An innovative project by the Weatherboard timber sawmill in Creighton, KwaZulu-Natal has boosted efficiencies, saved fuel and reduced environmental impact for the sawmill and its parent company – global supply-chain giant CHEP.

Known as the ‘Raw Material Air Drying Project’, the initiative reduces the moisture content of cut timber to minimise the weight of sawn logs, thereby increasing the volume of timber that can be loaded per truck. Instead of the timber being delivered wet off saw to local CHEP service centres, the timber will be air dried for six weeks before it is transported. This reduces the moisture content of the wood from 55% to less than 30%, making it lighter, and allows trucks to accommodate more timber per load.

“The project is about maximising the volume of repair timber that can be loaded onto every truck,” says Jeanne Hugo, Senior Supply Chain Director for CHEP. “Timber is delivered to our service centres to repair damaged pallets returned from our customers, but the amount of repair timber on each delivery is limited by the maximum weight a truck can carry.”

“Wet off saw timber has a high moisture content, which makes it heavier, and trucks reach their maximum weight limit when there is still additional loading capacity available,” added Erica Stewart, Transport Manager for CHEP. “With air-drying, we can optimise truck capacity by reducing that moisture content before transporting the timber.”

The project, launched in July 2021, has meant around 20% fewer trips, fewer trucks on the road, lower transport costs and reduced carbon dioxide emissions. It has also improved efficiencies for customers by reducing the number of trucks arriving at busy CHEP service centres, shortening queues and reducing waiting times.

In partnership with the 18 timber plantations that CHEP owns, Weatherboard sawmill produces timber for the repair of CHEP pallets for the company’s pool of supply-chain platforms in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“The timber backward integration strategy in South Africa was initiated in 2006,” says Hugo. “We can now supply our own sawmill with enough logs to meet up to 60% of CHEP’s current annual requirements.”

CHEP’s pallets underpin many of the world’s supply chains, including in South Africa. Due to the efficient, circular nature of the business model, in which pallets are not sold but rented out to customers, then collected, repaired and re-used again and again, they have an extremely low environmental impact.

CHEP expands its forestry portfolio in SA

CHEP, one of the world’s leading sustainable logistics businesses, has expanded its forestry portfolio in South Africa to 18 pine timber farms, effectively doubling its interests in timber farms in the country.

“We’re really excited by our new acquisitions,” said CHEP Forestry Senior Director Jed Krige. “It’s another step towards building an independent, sustainable and regenerative supply chain. We are getting to a point where we will be putting more timber resources into the world than we take out.”

The CHEP forestry holdings in South Africa now cover an area in excess of 7 500ha of standing pine farms. Most of the existing CHEP Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) forests carry the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) accreditation, while the latest new forest acquisitions are currently being upgraded in compliance with the international FSC standards.

The CHEP SSA farms are all located in the Bulwer / Underberg district and are within 90 kms of CHEP’s Weatherboard Sawmill. They are managed by Forestry Manager Gordon McKenzie and a team of experienced foresters.

CHEP’s unique pooling system epitomises the circular economy, with CHEP pallets being shared and reused (not sold) by clients in FMCG, Original Equipment Manufacturers and agricultural supply chains.

Today, CHEP’s humble pine pallet underpins many of the world’s supply chains. Third-party Life Cycle Analysis has shown that CHEP pallets use 3,5 times less wood, generate 2,5 times less waste, and emit 2,3 times less CO2, compared with the main market alternative.

“The timber backward integration strategy in South Africa was initiated in 2006. It was as a result of ongoing shortages of industrial grade timber to be used in the local pallet market. The strategy was to secure standing sustainable timber farms for supply to sawmills. The sawmills would then produce pallet repair timber to the exact CHEP dimensions, maximizing timber yield. We are now in a position, with our farms, to supply our own sawmill (on 22-year rotation) for up to 60% of CHEP SSA’s current annual requirements”, said Krige.

Ownership of its own sustainable pine timber farms has therefore mitigated against market shortages and largely mitigated against the risk of non-supply or inconsistent supply of locally provided timber. It has also removed the need to import timber, which is time-consuming, expensive and environmentally unsustainable.

Another noteworthy contribution from CHEP owned farms is the effect it has on surrounding communities. Employment opportunities are created for the locals on the CHEP farms as well as the opportunity to harvest reeds on the farms for the manufacture of reed mats. Alien timber is also supplied to the surrounding communities to be used as firewood.

“Ultimately, we want to restore, replenish and create more value for society and the environment than the business takes out,” said Krige. “As a pioneer in the circular economy, and with the support of our stakeholders, we are well positioned to succeed.”

CHEP is a division of the international Brambles Group.

Related article: How the humble pallet became indispensable to the global supply chain

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