NMU’s top students in Forestry, Wood Technology & Veld Fire Management

A special awards ceremony was held on April 7 at the Nelson Mandela University George campus to recognise the top student achievers in Forestry, Wood Technology and Veldfire Management.

“You have shown excellence in your academic studies during a difficult time of the COVID pandemic,” said Forestry programme coordinator Dr Ramantswana in his address to the students at the awards ceremony. “We encourage you to continue on this trajectory in the workplace and other spheres of society.”

Three forestry diploma students were recipients of the special awards: Sanele Xulu received the award for best student in Forest Engineering, Silviculture and Human Resources modules, whilst Buseka Bhebhi received the award for Forest Management and Lelonathemba Ndaleni received the award for Veld Fire Management. Top students in the Wood Technology Diploma programme were Zizipho Pikashe who received an award for the best student in Timber Seasoning and Likho Ndevu was the top student in Timber Processing. In the Higher Certificate in Veld Fire Management, Luphumlo Tomana (full-time programme) and Renier Groenewald (part-time programme) received top student awards.

Masters student graduates cum laude
Phozisa Dlokweni (aka ‘Phozy’), from Ngceleni village in the Eastern Cape, graduated with an MSc Forestry (cum laude) at the recent NMU George Campus graduation ceremony.

Phozy (26) completed her MSc in record time and attributed her success to the assistance she received from her supervisors, Muedanyi Ramantswana, Raffaele Spinelli and Andrew McEwan.

Phozy said her passion for forestry comes from her father, a forestry contractor, and her uncle who is a forester. She is currently an intern at the University of Pretoria in the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), employed as a field extension officer.

After matriculating at Maclear High School, Phozy enrolled for the extended Forestry Diploma programme at the George Campus. The following year she bagged several distinctions in the mainstream Forestry Diploma programme after which she excelled in her BTech in Forestry, with core modules in Forest Engineering, Silviculture and Veld Fire Management.

In 2020, Phozy enrolled for an MSc in Forestry. Her research thesis focused on assessing the productivity and volume recovery of mechanised harvesting in a pine fire salvaging operation in the Eastern Cape. She plans to start her PhD in forestry soon.

“My supervisor, Dr Muedanyi Ramantswana, has been my role model and encouraged me to work hard and be dedicated,” said Phozy. “The experience gained at the University during my internship and research at MTO Cape, has augmented my academic journey as a life changing experience that I will forever cherish,” she says.

Phozy also enjoys reading, outdoor adventure, volunteering in community upliftment projects, travelling and is a true sports fanatic.

AfrEquip moves to new premises

South African-based forestry equipment supplier AfrEquip has relocated their head office to a bigger, new facility in Pietermaritzburg.

“Over the past few years, AfrEquip has continued to invest heavily in parts, and our old premises were bursting at the seams,” said John du Toit, AfrEquip’s managing director.

“We searched for the right spot to house our main support location and found a property virtually around the corner in the same suburb,” said John.

“The facility required significant alterations to meet our requirements. We built a new workshop to house equipment for delivery inspections, and we added a new floor to the parts facility to safely house our significant parts holding. This new facility is just another tool for us to offer world-class support to our customer base.”

The new workshop can fit four big forestry machines, two more than the previous facility. It has also received the thumbs up from AfrEquip’s technical manager, John Barbour.

AfrEquip supplies and supports a range of forestry equipment in South Africa including Tigercat, Logmax, Morbark and Gierkink. The company has five branches in key forestry regions: Pietermaritzburg and Richards Bay (both in KwaZulu-Natal) Mbombela (Nelspruit) and Mkhondo (Piet Retief) in Mpumalanga, and Ugie in the Eastern Cape.