Subscribe and win fantastic wood book

September 6, 2017

Subscribe (or renew your subscription) to SA Forestry magazine now and you could win this fantastic coffee-table book, Guide to the Properties and Uses of Southern African Wood.

All new subscriptions and renewals received between 8th August and 9th October 2017 will be entered into a lucky-draw competition. The winner will be announced in the October 2017 issue of SA Forestry magazine.

SUBSCRIBE HERE for only R275 per year (six issues)!

Guide to the Properties and Uses of Southern African Wood

Authors: Stephanie Dyer, Barry James and Danielle James
Published by Briza Publications

There are many books dealing with tree species found in southern Africa, but very few of them focus on the properties of the wood as this one does. It covers 140 species of trees, 134 of which are indigenous to southern Africa.

The info presented includes where the trees grow, practical tips on working with the wood, detailed accounts of wood properties and identification, plus comments from wood users themselves. It includes a fascinating history of wood use in South Africa from indigenous people to the early settlers, as well as harvesting and sawmilling info.

It’s a reference book AND a nice-and-easy-to-read coffee table book full of beautiful photos with hard cover.


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