Subscribe and win a Silky Saw
Subscribe or re-subscribe to SA Forestry magazine and you could win this Silky Saw!
The best-selling professional, heavy-duty, curved-blade hand saw suitable for all pruning tasks and cutting large branches. A soft, rubber handle holds the high-performance, curved, fast-cutting blade that fits securely inside its custom-fitted scabbard with detachable belt holder. The curved blade means greater cutting speed with less effort. The hard, chrome-plated blade has 6-1/3 tpi, resists rust and the effects of tree resin, and wipes clean easily. Silky saws are available at dealers nation-wide.
Competition rules
All new subscriptions and renewals received between 1 March 2018 and 30 April 2018 will be entered into a lucky-draw competition. The winner will be announced in the May 2018 issue of SA Forestry.
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Check out last month's subscription winner HERE.