Protected trees in South Africa

March 13, 2015
Adansonia digitata

The iconic Baobab (Adansonia digitata), a protected tree in South Africa.

In terms of section 15(1) of the National Forests Act, 1998, no person may cut, disturb, damage or destroy any protected tree; or possess, collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell, donate or in any other manner acquire or dispose of any protected tree or any product derived from a protected tree, except under a licence or exemption granted by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

List of Protected Tree Species under the National Forest Act, 1998 (Act No. 84 of 1998)


Acacia erioloba Camel thorn Kameeldoring168
Acacia haematoxylon Grey camel thorn Vaalkameeldoring, Mokholo169
Adansonia digitataBaobab Kremetart, Seboi, Mowana467
Afzelia quanzensis Pod mahogany Peulmahonie, Inkehli 207
Balanites subsp. maughamiiTorchwood Groendoring, Ugobandlovu251
Barringtonia racemosa Powder-puff tree Poeierkwasboom, Iboqo 524
Boscia albitrunca Shepherd's tree Witgat, Umvithi 122
Brachystegia spiciformis Msasa Msasa 198.1
Breonadia salicina Matumi Mingerhout, Umfomfo 684
Bruguiera gymnorrhize Black mangrove Swartwortelboom, IsiHlobane 527
Cassipourea swaziensis Swazi onionwood Swazi uiehout 531.1
Catha edulis Bushman's tea Boesmanstee, Umhlwazi 404
Ceriops tagalIndian mangrove Indiese wortelboom, Isinkahe 525
Cleistanthus schlechteri False tamboti Bastertamboti, Umzithi320
Colubrine nicholsonii Pondo weeping thorn Pondo-treurdoring 453.8
Combretum imberbe Leadwood Hardekiil, Impondondlovu 539
Curtisia dentata AssegaiAssegaai, Umagunda 570
Elaeodendron transvaalensis Bushveld saffron Bosveld-saffraan, Ingwavuma 416
Erythrophysa transvaalensis Bushveld red balloon Bosveld-rooiklapperbos 436.2
Euclea pseudebenus Ebony guarri Ebbeboom-ghwarrie 598
Ficus trichopodaSwamp figMoerasvy, Umvubu 54
Leucadendron argenteum Silver tree,Silwerboom 77
Lumnitzera racemosa Tonga mangrove Tonga-wortelboom, isiKhahaesibomvu 552
Lydenburgia abbottii Pondo bushman's tea Pondo-boesmanstee 407
Lydenburgia cassinoides Sekhukhuni bushman's tea Sekhukhuni-boesmanstee 406
Mimusops caffra Coastal red milkwood Kusrooimelkhout, Umkhakhayi 583
Newtonia hildebrandtii Lebombo wattle Lebombo-wattel, Umfomothi 191
Ocotea bullata Stinkwood Stinkhout, Umnukane 118
Ozoroa namaquensis Gariep resin tree Gariep-harpuisboom 373.2
Philenoptera violacea Apple-leaf Appelblaar, isiHomohomo 238
Pittosporum viridiflorum Cheesewood Kasuur, Umfusamvu 139
Podocarpus elongatus Breede river yellowwoodBreeriviergeelhout15
Podocarpus falcatus (Afrocarpus falcatus) Outeniqua yellowwoodOuteniquageelhout, Umsonti 16
Podocarpus henkelii Henkel's yellowwood Henkel se geelhout, Umsonti 17
Podocarpus latifolius Real yellowwood Regte-geelhout, Umkhoba18
Prota comptonii Saddleback sugarbushBarberton-suikerbos 88
Protea curvata Serpentine sugarbush Serpentynsuikerbos 88.1
Prunus africana Red stinkwood Rooistinkhout, Umdumezuz 147
Pterocarpus angolensis Wild teakKiaat, Umvangazi 236
Rhizophora mucronata Red mangrove Rooiwortelboom 526
Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra Marula Maroela, Umganu 360
Securidaca longepedunculata Violet tree Krinkhout, Mmaba 303
Sideroxylon inerme subsp. inerme White milkwood Witmelkhout, Umakhwelafingqane 579
Tephrosia pondoensis Pondo poison peaPondo-gifertjie 226.1
Warburgia salutaris Pepper-bark tree Peperbasboom, isiBaha488
Widdringtonia cedarbergensis Clanwilliam cedar Clanwilliamseder 19
Widdringtonia schwarzii Willowmore cedar Baviaanskloofseder 21

A magnificent Camel thorn (Acacia erioloba) in Kathu in the North West Province. The Kathu forest was the first Protected Woodland to be declared in South Africa. (Photo: Jacoline Mans)

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3 years ago

Is the Lala Palm tree protected please

Sanette Nel
Sanette Nel
2 years ago

HI We have a Elephant herbal tree, or also known as Umbu tree, that is more than 60 yrs old. He is very big and is standing in between two boundries. More in our side. Could this tree of more than 60 yrs be protected. A new construction is gonne take place at the boundry. Very stressed out for the magnificant tree prptection. Please assist.

Karen Brits
Karen Brits
1 year ago

Is the oak tree also protected?

Malcolm Meyerowitz
Malcolm Meyerowitz
10 months ago
Reply to  Karen Brits

No, they are exotic. Some species can no longer be planted.

1 year ago

Is Silver Oak over 60 years protected

10 months ago

We have a very tall monkey puzzle (Araucaria) tree in our garden, which we would like to be removed (free) in exchange for the wood.
The tree is about 3-4 storage high

Dubretha Oosthuizen
Dubretha Oosthuizen
8 months ago

Is the wildfig tree protected?

Samora Chapman
8 months ago

The only fig tree that is protected in South Africa is the Ficus trichopoda, common name is swamp fig.

4 months ago

Please Refer to the National Forest Act, 1998 (Act No.84 of 1998) List of Protected species

4 months ago

We have a very tall monkey puzzle (Araucaria) tree in our garden, which we would like to be removed (free) in exchange for the wood.
The tree is about 3-4 storage high

4 months ago

Attached is a photo of the monkey puzzle (Araucaria)

4 months ago

We have a very tall monkey puzzle (Araucaria Araucana) tree in our garden, which we would like to be removed (free) in exchange for the wood.
The tree is about 3-4 storage high

4 months ago

Good day

What about Pepper Trees,the ones with the red corns,are they protected trees??
I don’t have any of them on my property,however my neighbours has quite a few of them,some planted along boundary wall,I must say the roots are destructive,caused immense damage so fare.How does a concerned home owner go above such matter especially if they are protected trees

3 months ago

Is Olienhout trees protected?

Elna Lush
Elna Lush
11 days ago

Why why why, with our protected trees in SA, has the anc government granted licences to Chinese to cut down 2500 indegenous trees to make way for a coal mine??? DISGUSTING!!!!

Elna Lush
Elna Lush
11 days ago

Referring my post below, the list of trees to be cut down by the chinese, include Boabab trees, Marula, Camel thorn, DISGUSTING!!

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