28th June 2022

Saving the critically endangered Mutavhatsindi tree

A committed group of conservationists and horticulturalists have successfully propagated a critically endangered tree that is prized for its medicinal

20th April 2022

New protected trees in SA

Four new species have been added to the list of trees that are protected under the National Forests Act in

19th January 2022

KZN forest needs your help

A local artist and environmental NPO are rallying efforts to conserve a rare and shrinking patch of indigenous mistbelt forest

21st June 2021

Tree experts rally to save iconic Cape trees

Tree health experts from around the country are collaborating in efforts to save four iconic native tree species found in

25th May 2021

Preventing fires, planting trees & locking up carbon

A partnership between Fogmaker South Africa and the Platbos Conservation Trust is contributing to the reforestation of the unique Platbos

28th January 2021

Indigenous Trees of Southern Africa (Part Two) – Cape Plum

Cape Plum - Harpephyllum caffrum – Anacardiaceae; Wildepruim (Afrikaans); Umgwenya (Xhosa/Zulu) – is an attractive forest tree that thrives in

26th November 2020

Indigenous Trees of Southern Africa (Part One) – White Ironwood

This is the first in a series of articles to be published in SA Forestry Online by DR GARETH COOMBS,

18th September 2020

Ramping up the planting of endangered pepper-bark trees

To help celebrate Arbor Week as well as the arrival of spring, Sappi, in conjunction with the SANPARKS Skukuza Nursery,

24th August 2020

Vital mangrove forests under threat

Mangroves are disappearing at an alarming rate, with conservationists across the world striving to save them from local extinction. These

12th June 2020

Fascinating documentary explores the world's most important forests

Take some time over the long weekend to enjoy this incredible documentary, Forests by Our Planet, which takes the audience

05th June 2020

Latest report on the state of the world’s forests

Urgent action is needed to safeguard the biodiversity of the world's forests amid alarming rates of deforestation and degradation, according

21st May 2020

Assessing the recovery of plantation land after clearfelling

Researchers find encouraging signs that land has the potential to recover towards a natural state after clearfelling a commercial timber

22nd April 2020

Illegal application of pesticides killing our bees

Colony Collapse Disorder is killing bees in the Northern Hemisphere, but here in South Africa it is illegal use of

18th March 2020

Bush clearing initiative benefits cheetahs

Clearing encroaching bush in Namibia to restore a healthy balance between grassland and trees is playing a key role in

04th December 2019

Exploitation of tropical forests unsustainable

The International Forum Together Towards Green Supply Chains Forest Products Initiative was held in Shanghai, China, recently. Industry leaders from

28th October 2019

Champion Trees in the spotlight

Our number one indigenous Champion Tree in South Africa, the Sagole Baobab (Adansonia digitata), is only 20.5m high, but its

22nd October 2019

The great bugweed debate: 
To clear or not to clear

Bugweed and Lantana are two of the most problematic alien invasive plants in South Africa. Natives of South America, these

22nd July 2019

Saving the wild pepper-bark trees

A unique collaboration between conservation organisations, environmentalists, researchers, traditional healers, communities and a prominent forestry company is saving an important

04th July 2018

Indigenous forest patches are not biodiversity islands

By Lize Joubert-van der Merwe, NRF Green Economy post-doctoral fellow, Stellenbosch University; Email: lizejoubert@gmail.com The value of indigenous forests is

17th August 2017

TIPS ON TREES: How to prune your tree

The second in the series of tree trips by Julian Ortlepp of TreeWorks, brought to you by Husqvarna South Africa.

17th February 2017

Greenpop Reforest Fest – win a trip to Overberg!

Buy your tickets to the Greenpop Reforest Fest and win an amazing weekend in the Cape Overberg. What is the

14th December 2016

Saving dryland forests from desertification

Two billion people live in the drylands, which cover 41 percent of the world's land area. Far from being bare

12th October 2016

Honey harvesting and forest protection in West Timor

New research shows that the annual harvesting of wild honey may be one of the most sustainable and effective governance

22nd August 2016

Southern Cape forests survive largely unchanged for centuries

Forests are found in areas that receive annual rainfall ranging between 525 mm and 1220 mm. But if you look

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