03rd September 2019

Training initiative supports economic development in rural KZN

The establishment of a training academy at a remote rural village in southern KwaZulu-Natal is set to unlock the human

02nd May 2019

The role of mentorship

Mentorship is a familiar concept in the context of rural development in South Africa. It refers to the process of

30th November 2018

Sappi re-tools its small-scale timber grower programme

Sappi was one of the early pioneers of forestry outgrower programmes through Project Grow, which started way back in 1983.

16th October 2018

Ozwathini - in search of sustainable landscapes

This film tells the story of Ozwathini, a remote rural community situated in the midlands of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, where

10th July 2018

Land reform and land ownership

South Africa’s agribusiness sector has long believed that land ownership should reflect far greater equitability and give effect to the

08th June 2018

Seeing off the threats to our forestry businesses

SA Forestry magazine editor, Chris Chapman reports on the recent FSA Annual General Meeting... The debate around expropriation of land

01st June 2018

Sappi Khulisa: developing enterprises by sharing value

The world’s challenge today is to balance ecologically sustainable development with economic growth and this is becoming more difficult as

13th March 2018

Re-establishing small-scale grower plantations in Sokhulu

An exciting project to assist small-scale growers in Sokhulu area of Zululand to rejuvenate their forestry businesses by re-establishing their

07th November 2017

Forestry industrialisation initiative kicks off ...

South African Forestry Company Ltd (Safcol), in collaboration with key government stakeholders, has launched an exciting initiative aimed at raising

13th July 2017

Grazing as a tool to maintain diversity in mesic grasslands

By Lize Joubert-van der Merwe Ecological networks (ENs) among forestry compartments can conserve biodiversity and ecosystem services as well as

23rd May 2017

Wetlands restoration

(Tsitsikamma River Case Study) by Theo Stehle Recently I accompanied Cassie Carstens, Planning Manager of MTO Forestry (Cape), to a

16th March 2017

PEFC endorsed certification initiative good news for small growers

Forestry industry stakeholders have launched an initiative to develop an independent South African certification standard and system that could be

28th February 2017

Small-scale growers field day at Ozwathini

It’s not so much about how you establish your woodlot – it’s more about how you maintain the growing trees

09th January 2017

NCT’s small-scale growers visit Richards Bay Woodchips mill

NCT’s Richards Bay Woodchips hosted a field day for small-scale growers from the Zululand region, as the mill gears up

08th November 2016

KISS planting system keeps it simple and productive

“Simple, reliable, easy to maintain … effective!”  This is how silviculture contractor Jabulani Shange describes the tractor-driven boom planter developed

18th October 2016

NCT Small-scale Tree Farmer of the Year 2016

Small-scale timber grower Mdumiseni Msomi is NCT’s Farmer of the Year for 2016 in the category of farms managed on

19th September 2016

Forestry the backbone of development in rural KZN

Forestry, farming, eco-tourism, sawmilling, training … The pioneering Umgano Community Initiative, built on a solid foundation of forestry, has progressed

23rd August 2016

Drought relief efforts in Zululand

The drought continues to deplete water resources, especially around Paulpietersburg, Piet Retief and in northern Zululand. Mondi and SiyaQhubeka Forests

19th August 2016

Skills development through wood

This year the Working with Wood Show, held in partnership with the Association of Woodturners South Africa (AWSA), is to

11th August 2016

The expert witness: investigating veld and forest fires

So you had a fire – five years ago which is thankfully a distant memory, or is it? The legal

23rd June 2016

Finding solutions in the southern Cape

Forestry, timber supply, jobs, government imperatives, invasive alien plants, fire risk, water resources, biodiversity, conservation … a potent cocktail of

30th May 2016

Bee wise project aims to curb fires and boost rural incomes

An innovative project to train people in safe and sustainable bee-keeping in northern Zululand addresses the twin challenges of creating

15th January 2016

Integrating cultural and heritage resources into forest management

By Coen Nienaber and Michal Brink The constitutional and legislative definitions of ‘environment’ include cultural and heritage resources. But as

18th November 2015

FSC news: certification, strategies and untouched forests

Certification growing in Africa The perception that natural resources in Africa are being stripped and consumed wholesale by developed economies

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